TECHNO-CLS workshop, Rethymno, 09-11.10.2024

Horizon Europe EIC-Pathfinder Project TECHNO-CLS: “Emerging technologies for crystal-based gamma-ray light sources”

The TECHNO-CLS project aims at the breakthrough in technologies needed for designing and practical realisation of novel gamma-ray Light Sources (LS) operating at photon energies from ~100 keV up to GeV range that can be constructed through exposure of oriented crystals (linear, bent and periodically bent) to the beams of ultra-relativistic charged particles.

The workshop aims to bring together the members of the TECHNO-CLS consortium and industry to develop and commercialize CLS technology, to strengthen links with companies interested in this technology and its applications and to allow the project to engage with important stakeholders in the future development of CLS. In the workshop, private companies are expected to participate, with focus on companies interested in developing CLS to the market place, manufacture of commercially viable CLS and on the application of CLSs.

The Workshop is a second meeting with stakeholders following the TECHNO-CLS workshop held on October 5-6, 2023 in Ferrara, Italy.

The meeting will be held in Rehtymno, Crete on October 9-11, 2024. The workshop is organized by the Institute of Plasma Physics Lasers of the Hellenic Mediterranean University and  MBN Research Center gGmbH. The photograph of the city of Rethymno was given to the organisers of the TECHNO-CLS workshop by photographer George Katakis.

The Workshop will be followed by the WG-meeting of the COST Action 20129 MultiChem.

Most of the TECHNO-CLS partners will attend the meeting and present the current progress of the project and its future objectives.

A program of the TECHNO-CLS workshop can be found  here